About the Founders.
About the Founders.
DDaniel Hu和Gina Wang是 “愛的” 基金會的創始人。Daniel和Gina認為每個生命都有價值,應該受到重視,因此該組織的名稱為 “愛的基金會” 。由於對所有生命的熱愛和宗教信仰的影響,他們於2017年初創建了這個慈善機構。由於Daniel和Gina為慈善事業付出的努力和時間,愛的基金會已從本地擴展到了國際組織。除了愛的基金會之外,他們是位於加州聖蓋博市Re/Max Connect地產公司的合夥人。 Gina專業是房地產和抵押貸款, Daniel專業是商業地產和保險理財, 他們都已經從事業務超過15年。在閒暇時光,他們喜歡旅行,帶狗去冒險。他們目前與兩隻老年犬一起居住在南加州。
創作短片是Gina和Daniel 的愛好。由於他們重視宣導正面生活態度及釋放正面能量, 能夠將自己的熱情及理念融入到短片,因此短片創作在他們慈善事業中是非常重要的一環;它幫助宣傳愛的理念及分享生活智慧。業餘時間,他們在2019年Gina監制Daniel 導演了一部35分鐘的短片,同年片子有機會參展,很榮幸Daniel Hu獲得新進導演獎。
進一步加深他們創作短片的信心。除了創作短片的興趣,他們自願去當地的動物收容所,為需要英語翻譯的亞裔動物收養者做協助溝通。Gina和Daniel是完美主義者,因此會儘最大的努力完善感興趣的事情。 同時確保自己有時間品嚐生活為他們提供的一切。
DDaniel Hu and Gina Wang are the founders of the Love All Beings Foundation. Daniel and Gina both believe that every human being and animal has value, hence the name of the organization, “Love All Beings.” They created this charity in 2017, inspired by their love for all beings. Thanks to Daniel and Gina’s time and dedication to grow the foundation, this charity has grown from local to international outreach, Aside from the foundation, Daniel is a commercial real estate broker, and Gina is a residential real estate broker. They have both been in the business for over 25 years. In their free time, they like to travel, take their dogs on adventures, and explore new places to dine. They currently reside in Southern California with their two senior dogs.
The following articles were written by the founders Gina Wang and Daniel Hu. This is the archive for their articles that are typically sent out as newsletters to the organization’s supporters. They want to share their knowledge of current events, religion, and their own thoughts and experiences, and thus called this 愛的智慧, which translates to Love in Wisdom.
What does Love All Beings do?
We are a non profit charity organization that currently works with animal shelters to sponsor animals, save dogs from the dogmeat festivals in Asia, and make donations to much needed shelters. There are other organizations that LABF works with. Our goal is to create a positive change in our current society through informative short films. Check out our “About Us” page to learn more about what we do!
How does Love All Beings make its charity selection?
We are currently working with animal shelters, but we have previously worked with organizations targeted toward families in poverty. We currently base our charity selection on what the founders believe to be a priority, but we would love any suggestions. Feel free to contact us!
Is Love All Beings credible/legitimate?
Yes! We are a registered non-profit organization and we document everything. We are grateful for all donations and provide donors with receipts.
How do I know where my donation is going?
We value all donations, and will send out updates once an organization or event is chosen. In addition, you can contact us anytime and with your questions or concerns. We take pride in being transparent about our actions, and we want you to feel you have chosen the right charity to donate to.